The goal of 技术服务 is to provide technology to support, 增强, 管理学生的学习, 协助提供学习环境, and ease the administration of that environment to maximize the learning experience. Technology shall be utilized as a tool to 增强, enrich, and facilitate the learning experience.
为了完成这一使命, 技术服务 endeavors to provide appropriate technologies that enable 教师 to teach more effectively, 学生学习更成功, 让员工更有效率地工作.
- 用户可以浏览到 自助服务登录页面 然后点击“无法访问您的帐户”?或“忘记用户名了。.’
- 浏览到 前景.办公室.com 设置多因素身份验证.
- 最少9个字符.
- 需要大写、小写和数字.
- 不能使用名字或用户名的部分内容.
- Can’t use part of a 密码 that you have used previously for this account.
浏览: http://aka.ms/mfasetup. You can change the cell phone number or remove and add authentication methods.
- 连接到HSUWireless并输入HSU用户名和密码.
- 联系困难?
- Have the device ‘Forget’ HSUWireless(<-right-click)
- 现在重新启动设备,然后重新连接到HSUWireless.
- 阶段2身份验证:MSCHAPv2
- 服务器CA证书:不勾选
- 用户证书:未安装
- 身份:HSU用户名
- 密码:HSU密码
- 匿名身份:留空
- 身份:HSU用户名
MyResNet WIFI网络问题
For assistance with MyResNet, contact Apogee Support at (855) 643-2150. 全天候营业.
- 如果可以的话,关闭电脑.
- 用防雷带上的开关切断电源. (对于笔记本电脑,取下电源适配器)
- 按住电脑上的电源键至少60秒.
- 重新接通稳压条.
- 把电脑重新打开.
- 关闭打印机电源.
- 拔下电源线.
- 把所有的纸托盘拿走,放在一边.
- 在纸盒的后面找找散乱的纸.
- Open all access doors(front, rear, sides) and find/clear jammed paper.
- 从托盘中取出所有的纸.
- 检查托盘纸尺寸调整在纸托盘. (字母大小:8.5×11)
- 把纸放回托盘里. (丢弃任何皱巴巴的纸张)
- 将纸托盘放回打印机.
- 取下墨盒,寻找卡纸.
- 插上电源线,打开打印机电源.
- 请参见设备使用说明 http://goprint.xgcr.net
- 连接到WIFI“MyResNet”或“hsuwireless”时.
- 从您的设备打印到“HSU移动打印”.
- Sign-in and select “Print Release” at the Mobile printer in the Library, to retrieve your print job.
- 无线打印机不兼容HSU企业WIFI.
- 您可以使用USB线连接到打印机.
HSU技术服务帮助台- 325-670-1288 -电子邮件 help@xgcr.net 从您的HSU电子邮件帐户.
The HSU 帮助台 is your primary contact for all technology related needs. 我们在Sandefer纪念博物馆的地下室欢迎大家来参观.
- 周一至周五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.
如果没有技术支持人员,请拨打325-670-1288, please leave a voicemail with as much detail as possible regarding your technology issue/need. 这将在票务系统中自动生成一个请求.
或者,给帮助台发电子邮件 helpdesk@xgcr.net from your 许的电子邮件 account, a request will be automatically generated in the ticketing system. When submitting a technology issue/request, please provide as much detail as possible. 包括错误消息(如果适用).
HSU凭据(用户名 & 密码)
Your HSU Credentials are automatically generated when you’re accepted into HSU. 以下服务使用相同的凭据:
Please note that your 许的电子邮件 address may be different from your 用户名.
- 实验室的电脑
- HSUWireless
忘记了用户名 & 密码
Windows PC, Intel i5 processor, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB solid-state drive. 不推荐使用chromebook.
微软办公软件 365 is now available free for all current students, 教师, 以及PG电子游戏的工作人员.
- 去 办公室.com 然后点击右上角的“Sign in”.
- 在电子邮件或电话栏下,输入你的 用户名 然后是@xgcr.net(我.e. jsmith@xgcr.net). 不用你的电子邮件地址.
- 在密码字段中,键入HSU密码.
- 点击“安装Office”按钮.
- 选择“Office365应用程序”
- 按照所使用浏览器的正常下载过程进行操作.
ScholarBuys has a wide selection of discounted software available for current students, 教师, and staff. Windows 10对在校学生也是免费的 ScholarBuys.
Wireless printing from your own device to a HSU network printer is available via HSUWireless and MyResNet wifi networks. 所有HSU学生都可以免费打印,不收取任何费用. After an initial setup of the “HSU Mobile Print” queue is completed on your device, you will be able to send your print jobs to “HSU Mobile Print” where it is held until you release it from the printer using your own HSU credentials. “HSU Mobile Print” release stations are located in the following locations around campus:
- 图书馆一楼(北端)
- 安德森大厅
- behren大厅
- 弗格森大厅
- 兰格大厅
While connected to HSUWireless or MyResNet wifi follow these steps:
- 设置您的设备(仅限第一次)访问: http://goprint.xgcr.net
- 从您的设备打印到标有“HSU移动打印”的打印机
- 在您选择的打印机在上面列出的位置, login with your HSU credentials/ID number and choose “Print Release”
Print jobs are held in the secure queue and can be released for up to 24 hours . After 24 hours, if the job is not release, your print job will be deleted.
Adobe applications are available for installation on campus computers upon request at no extra charge to the department. 要为Adobe应用程序提供服务,请发送电子邮件至帮助台(helpdesk@xgcr.net). You can install additional Adobe apps from the Adobe Creative Cloud app on your PC.
我们推荐戴尔电脑. 最低要求:Intel i5处理器,16GB内存,500gb固态硬盘.
微软办公软件 365 is now available free for all current students, 教师, 以及PG电子游戏的工作人员.
- 去 办公室.com 然后点击右上角的“Sign in”.
- 在电子邮件或电话栏下,输入你的 用户名 然后是@xgcr.net(我.e. jsmith@xgcr.net). 不用你的电子邮件地址.
- 在密码字段中,键入HSU密码.
- 点击“安装Office”按钮.
- 选择“Office365应用程序”
- 按照所使用浏览器的正常下载过程进行操作.
ScholarBuys has a wide selection of discounted software available for current students, 教师, and staff.
The 帮助台 has a limited quantity of loaner equipment available for 教师 and staff for short-term loan.
- 笔记本电脑
- 投影仪和投影仪屏幕
- 主持人
- 网络摄像头
Many PC and printing issues can be resolved by powering the PC and Printer off, 等10-15秒,然后重新开机.
碳粉/墨水 for all HSU printers is now being shipped to 技术服务 to be delivered to your location.
如果你有一台本地连接的打印机, please **call Visual Edge and request toner/ink when your printer indicates that you need to order.
适用于网络打印机, Visual Edge should automatically ship toner/ink to 技术服务 when the supply starts getting low. You can **call Visual Edge if you do not receive the toner/ink before it is needed and they will ship it to you.
**拨打视觉边缘电话800-378-9179. They will ask you for the printer ID number from the sticker that was previously affixed to the printer.
这是一个例子 关于贴纸的样子:
如果你的打印机上没有这些贴纸, 请以电子邮件发送有关打印机的详细信息(地址), 模型等.) to helpdesk@xgcr.net.
Please watch for toner/ink deliveries from 技术服务 and store them near the printer when they arrive. The label on the toner/ink cartridge will show the Printer ID Number, Model and Location.
空 墨盒 can be shipped back to HP using the Return Shipping Label that comes in the box with the new toner cartridge. 寻找写着“HP Planet Partners”的回收包。.
空 墨盒 可以放在垃圾桶里吗.
你可以发邮件 helpdesk@xgcr.net 如果您想使用VPN.
如果有新的学生工作者, 研究生助理或实习生, 谁需要使用下列服务, 请让主管发邮件到 helpdesk@xgcr.net and include the person’s 用户名 along with the service(s) they will need. 这些服务包括:
- 微软团队/电话访问/响应组,如果适用的话
- S:驱动器文件夹-指定他们需要访问哪个文件夹
- 抬者的边缘(RE)
- 同事
New 教师, staff, and students cannot request access for themselves. 所有访问请求都需要由主管通过电子邮件发送.
Hardin-Simmons is dedicated to providing “State-of-the-Art” Technology for its students. HSU的目标是提供“最新的” & “最伟大”的技术,拥有最多的功能, 提供所有课程和项目所需的所有工具.
A majority of the campus computer labs are the latest Windows builds. The Frost Art Center’s computer lab contains Apple’s iMac for the students to use.
考德威尔音乐厅Lacewell Techonology Music Lab is reserved for use by students in the Music Department. |
208房间 Lacewell科技音乐实验室 11计算机 调度 & PG电子游戏:音乐学院 |
M: 4 p.m.-10 p.m. T-W: 6便士.m.-10 p.m. 下午4点.m.-7 p.m. |
弗罗斯特视觉艺术中心The 艺术实验室 is powered by Apple iMacs and is reserved for students in the Art and Communication programs. |
216房间 艺术实验室 16台imac,实验室电话:x1514 调度 & 问题PG电子游戏. 的艺术 |
M: 12:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m.; 5 p.m.-6 p.m.; 9 p.m.-12 a.m. 下午1:30.m.-4 p.m.; 9 p.m.-12 a.m. W: 12:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m.; 5 p.m.-12 a.m. |
约翰逊的建筑约翰逊104是向所有学生开放的主要实验室. The additional labs located in the 约翰逊的建筑 are reserved for instruction. |
104房间 开放实验室 计算机28台,实验室电话:x1522 调度 & 问题联系:凯利商学院 |
下午2:30.m.-12 a.m. F: 12 p.m.-5 p.m. 星期日:下午三点.m.-12 a.m. |
105房间 教学实验室 计算机33台,实验室电话:x1174 调度 & 问题联系:凯利商学院 |
保留给类使用. 如果JB104被填满,则可用. |
三楼 5台电脑 调度 & 问题请联系凯利商学院 |
在约翰逊大厦开放的任何时间都可以. |
洛格斯登神学院There is a small lab available to students currently enrolled in the Department of Theology. |
136房间 4台电脑 调度 & 问题联系:Logsdon |
上午8点.m.-5 p.m. |
喜怒无常的中心The lab is made available to all students anytime 喜怒无常的中心 is open. |
2楼大堂 12个电脑 |
穆迪中心开门的时候 |
理查森图书馆电脑在图书馆开放的任何时间都可以使用. 电话:(325)670-1578. 所有楼层(1、2、3层)共有38台电脑 |
桑玛: | 早上9点.m.-5 p.m. |
学期: | 上午7:30.m.午夜 F: 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 星期日:下午三点.m.午夜 |
纽曼-理查森科学中心 |
222房间 12台电脑,实验室电话:x5862 调度 & 问题PG电子游戏. 地质与环境科学 |
上午8点.m.-5 p.m. |